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At Standard Hydrogen Corp., we are often asked why it matters to us that we generate hydrogen right at our facilities. Why go through the extra expense, complexity and siting requirements of adding the electrolyzer to produce hydrogen at each of our Energy Transfer System™ (ETS) sites?

Do we see an immediate economic advantage to onsite hydrogen production? 

—Yes, but that’s not all.

Is the key that onsite production enables more renewable electricity deployment?

—It’s certainly important; but that’s not the only reason, either.

Do we really feel renewable hydrogen is that much in demand? 

—Definitely! We stake our name to it. It should be The Standard!

When was the last time you thought about electricity, and where it comes from? Maybe when you tripped a circuit breaker, recently? Or experienced a blackout, rolling or otherwise. We usually only think about our energy sources when our access to them is removed. At Standard Hydrogen, we believe one key to moving away from inefficient, costly and polluting energy sources is to reconnect us with our energy supply chain. If we are each reminded about where our energy comes from, every time we use it, choosing the less expensive, cleaner, more efficient options will be obvious. 

I was fortunate enough to get a chance to tell this story on the TEDx stage at Chemung River, just as our company was being launched. I hope you’ll check it out. And stay tuned…. more to come from Standard Hydrogen soon.


Building the first ETS with National Grid